What Should You Do With a Damaged Tooth?

Did you know that tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body? Despite this, you can still suffer from a damaged tooth. If this happens to you, it can be overwhelming to know what steps to take next.

Fortunately, this guide is here to help! We’ll go through everything you need to know about a broken tooth and what you should do to fix it.

Ready to learn more? Let’s get started.

What Causes a Cracked Tooth?

If you aren’t sure what caused your tooth to crack, it could be from various issues. You may have bit into hard food such as nuts, ice, or hard candy.

It could also result from an injury or blow to the mouth from a sporting injury, fistfight, fall, or car accident. If you’re over the age of 50, your chances of getting a broken tooth increase.

Treatments for a Damaged Tooth

Regardless of what causes your oral emergency, you have a variety of treatment options. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to finding the right solution for you. The best thing you can do is talk to your dentist.

Dental Implants

One of the most popular options for patients who are suffering from a broken tooth is dental implants. If the damage to your tooth is severe enough, you might need to remove the broken tooth and get a dental implant.

This involves inserting posts into the jawbone and covering it with a cap, which is an artificial tooth. Dental implants help replace a lost tooth. The implants fuse with the jaw, and the cap matches the surrounding teeth.

Root Canal

If the crack is so extensive that it reaches the pulp, your dentist will likely recommend a root canal. This removes the damaged pulp and restores integrity to the damaged tooth. Root canals help to prevent the tooth from weakening further or getting infected.


Another option is to cap your damaged tooth with a dental crown. A dental crown is a prosthetic device made of either ceramic or porcelain. It’s placed over the damaged tooth.

This involves your dentist shaving off some enamel from your tooth so that the crown can fit in your mouth. Then an impression of your tooth is made, a color is chosen to match your teeth, and the impression is sent off to make the crown.

Once your crown is back, your dentist will fit and cement it over your damaged tooth.

Preventing a Broken Tooth

If your teeth are strong, they’ll be less likely to crack, so be sure to practice good dental hygiene. You’ll want to brush twice a day, floss plenty and visit your dentist’s office for a good cleaning.

Try to avoid chewing on hard foods and wear a mouth guard if you play sports. This will help reduce the chances of a damaged tooth.

Treating Your Damaged Tooth

If you’ve recently suffered an injury that resulted in a damaged tooth, knowing how to get it fixed is the next step. There are a variety of treatments that will help restore your smile. You’ll want to talk to your dentist and discuss the different options.

Looking for more articles like this? Be sure to check out the health section of our blog.

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